Friday, April 24, 2009

Family Fun Friday

I am so excited about this Family Fun Friday today. We are going to finally get the baby chicks moved from inside the house to a corner of the big chicken pen. It has warmed up nicely here and they are not staying the big appliance box. The Americauna (spelling is questionable here) rooster was out on the floor of my laundry room last night just squawking away. He has gotten out of the box and couldn't find any of his friends. Of course, this didn't prohibit him from leaving me a "squishy" present on the floor. So needless to say, they have to go.

Boo, my 5 year old, loves all the chickens. He pets the big ones every day. So I know that this will be a family fun activity for all of us. Of course, it may be some work for the parents, but Boo will be ecstatic to "help" and play with the animals.

What are you planning to do this Friday for family fun? If you need some ideas or are just plain curious about what others are doing, see Moms by Heart. Don't forget to link up so others can see what you'll be up to. I'll post the AFTER pictures as soon as we get it done.

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